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"Occurrence of Some Bacteria from Rhizosphere of (Wheat) Triticum aestivum L. in South and West, Nganzun Townships, Mandalay Region"
Name / File License Actions
Thi Thi Thi Aye Han.pdf (868 KB)
Title "Occurrence of Some Bacteria from Rhizosphere of (Wheat) Triticum aestivum L. in South and West, Nganzun Townships, Mandalay Region"
Language en
Publication date 2022-08-12
Thi Thi Aye Han
Thin Thin Mar
Khin Thandar Lin
Naing Yè Win
"The present study was conducted on bacteria occurrence in rhizosphere of (wheat) Triticum
aestivum L. in two different study sites. Bacteria were isolated and identified from rhizospheric soil
of the studied plant species by biochemical test and morphological examination. Soil analysis was
also done. A total of 10 species belonging to five genera and five families were recorded. Among
them, nine species of bacteria in South and six species from rhizosphere of wheat plant in West
Nganzun Township were isolated. Out of them five species occurred in both study sites. The four
bacteria species isolated were namely Agrobacterium ceramicola, Bacillus stearathermophiles,
Flavobacterium ferrugineum, Pseudomonas cissicala from rhizosphere of wheat in South and only
one species Pseudomonas radiciporda was isolated in West Nganzun Township. Nitrogen fixation
bacteria were recorded in two study sites. Total bacteria counts of rhizospheric bacteria of wheat
plant species were made in different study sites. For (wheat) Triticum aestivum L., the total viable
counts were high in West, Nganzun Township."
Bacteria, rhizosphere of wheat plant, Nganzun Township, rhizosphere of wheat plant, Nganzun Township
Journal articles
Yadanabon University Research Journal
Vol.12, No.2
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