MERAL Myanmar Education Research and Learning Portal
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Reflective Thinking and Learning Approaches of Student Teachers
Name / File | License | Actions |
URJ 2018 (Su Thinzar Phyo).pdf (173 Kb)
Publication type | ||||||
Journal article | ||||||
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Publication | ||||||
Title | ||||||
Title | Reflective Thinking and Learning Approaches of Student Teachers | |||||
Language | en | |||||
Publication date | 2017-08-01 | |||||
Authors | ||||||
Khin Hnin Nwe | ||||||
Win Malar Phyo | ||||||
Description | ||||||
The main purpose of this study was to investigate reflective thinking and approaches to learning of student teachers. Quantitative perspectives and survey method were used in this study.Participants of the study consisted of 600 student teachers (212 males and 389 females) selected from Yangon University of Education and Sagaing University of Education. To find out the reflective thinking and the learning approaches of student teachers, Reflective Thinking Questionnaires and Approaches to Study Skills Inventory for Students were used.The finding of the study indicated that student teachers applied understanding, reflection and critical reflection of reflective thinking levels in their learning issues. The student teachers learn their subjects by relating their own experiences. It was also found that the student teachers adopted deep approach and strategic approach more than surface approach in their learning process.Results indicated that deep approach and strategic approach to learning were predictors for reflective thinking, but surface approach to learning did not predict reflective thinking of student teachers. | ||||||
Keywords | ||||||
Reflective Thinking, Learning Approach, Surface Learning, Strategic Learning | ||||||
Journal articles | ||||||
8 | ||||||
Universities Research Journal | ||||||
133-149 | ||||||
10 |