MERAL Myanmar Education Research and Learning Portal
{"_buckets": {"deposit": "eeefbd8e-461d-4fc2-a87e-07d44dc8bb87"}, "_deposit": {"id": "3327", "owners": [], "pid": {"revision_id": 0, "type": "recid", "value": "3327"}, "status": "published"}, "_oai": {"id": "", "sets": ["user-ucsy"]}, "communities": ["ucsy"], "item_1583103067471": {"attribute_name": "Title", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_1551255647225": "Topic Maps Extraction on Focused Web Pages By Clustering with Web Structure and Contents", "subitem_1551255648112": "en"}]}, "item_1583103085720": {"attribute_name": "Description", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"interim": "Web mining is the use of data miningtechniques to automatically discover and extractinformation from Web documents and services.This area of research is so huge today partly dueto the interests of various research communities,the tremendous growth of information sourcesavailable on the Web and the recent interest in ecommerce.Web mining is often associated withIR and IE.Web page clustering is one of the majorpreprocessing steps in web mining analysis.In thispaper, clustering method is proposed to semiautomaticallyextract Topic Maps from a set ofweb pages. Firstly, the web pages are downloadedfrom the internet. To extract contents, removestopwords and stem. And Second calculate theTF_IDF, content similarity, link similarity.Finally, calculating the Newman’s method withthe weighting based on the similarities by contentsof web pages and types of links is applied todevelop the potential clusters. Then the systemgenerates the topic map by assuming the clustersas topics, the edges as associations, the web pagesrelated to the topic as occurrences from the resultof clustering. As the experimental result, morecompact and denser cluster."}]}, "item_1583103108160": {"attribute_name": "Keywords", "attribute_value": []}, "item_1583103120197": {"attribute_name": "Files", "attribute_type": "file", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"accessrole": "open_access", "date": [{"dateType": "Available", "dateValue": "2019-07-19"}], "displaytype": "preview", "download_preview_message": "", "file_order": 0, "filename": "240_PDFsam_PSC_final proof.pdf", "filesize": [{"value": "244 Kb"}], "format": "application/pdf", "future_date_message": "", "is_thumbnail": false, "licensetype": "license_free", "mimetype": "application/pdf", "size": 244000.0, "url": {"url": " proof.pdf"}, "version_id": "a74b4912-e3aa-42b7-949f-3f9777b63398"}]}, "item_1583103131163": {"attribute_name": "Journal articles", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_issue": "", "subitem_journal_title": "Eighth Local Conference on Parallel and Soft Computing", "subitem_pages": "", "subitem_volume": ""}]}, "item_1583103147082": {"attribute_name": "Conference papers", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_acronym": "", "subitem_c_date": "", "subitem_conference_title": "", "subitem_part": "", "subitem_place": "", "subitem_session": "", "subitem_website": ""}]}, "item_1583103211336": {"attribute_name": "Books/reports/chapters", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_book_title": "", "subitem_isbn": "", "subitem_pages": "", "subitem_place": "", "subitem_publisher": ""}]}, "item_1583103233624": {"attribute_name": "Thesis/dissertations", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_awarding_university": "", "subitem_supervisor(s)": [{"subitem_supervisor": ""}]}]}, "item_1583105942107": {"attribute_name": "Authors", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"subitem_authors": [{"subitem_authors_fullname": "Rar, Sa Mie"}, {"subitem_authors_fullname": "Khaing, Myo Kay"}]}]}, "item_1583108359239": {"attribute_name": "Upload type", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"interim": "Publication"}]}, "item_1583108428133": {"attribute_name": "Publication type", "attribute_value_mlt": [{"interim": "Article"}]}, "item_1583159729339": {"attribute_name": "Publication date", "attribute_value": "2017-12-27"}, "item_1583159847033": {"attribute_name": "Identifier", "attribute_value": ""}, "item_title": "Topic Maps Extraction on Focused Web Pages By Clustering with Web Structure and Contents", "item_type_id": "21", "owner": "1", "path": ["1597824273898"], "permalink_uri": "", "pubdate": {"attribute_name": "Deposited date", "attribute_value": "2019-07-19"}, "publish_date": "2019-07-19", "publish_status": "0", "recid": "3327", "relation": {}, "relation_version_is_last": true, "title": ["Topic Maps Extraction on Focused Web Pages By Clustering with Web Structure and Contents"], "weko_shared_id": -1}
Topic Maps Extraction on Focused Web Pages By Clustering with Web Structure and Contents
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240_PDFsam_PSC_final proof.pdf (244 Kb)