{"created":"2020-03-08T16:04:56.861574+00:00","id":1711,"links":{},"metadata":{"_buckets":{"deposit":"b3a2cc19-ae34-4f95-873b-05eb22dc04f6"},"_deposit":{"id":"1711","owners":[],"pid":{"revision_id":0,"type":"recid","value":"1711"},"status":"published"},"_oai":{"id":"oai:meral.edu.mm:recid/1711","sets":["1582963436320:1582965701379"]},"communities":["yueco"],"control_number":"1711","item_1583103067471":{"attribute_name":"Title","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_1551255647225":"This study aims to analyze the corporate governance practices by Myanmar companies in accordance with internationally recognized standards of corporate governance – the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. This study was conducted using the responses to questionnaire surveys. The questions were segregated into five parts namely: Rights of Shareholders, Equitable Treatment of Shareholders, Role of Stakeholders, Disclosure and Transparency, Responsibilities of the Board. Primary data was collected from 24 individual board members from 24 major Myanmar corporations (sample of one board member per company). Results indicated that internationally accepted corporate governance practices are still at an embryonic stage of development in Myanmar. Scores from the survey highlighted inadequate compliant with all five areas of the OECD corporate governance principles. Myanmar companies scored lowest in Disclosure and Transparency and Responsibilities of the Board sections indicating deficiencies in communicating with shareholders and stakeholders as well as the board processes, structure and the roles of companies’ directors. It can be concluded from this study that Myanmar companies need to adopt international Corporate Governance best practices if they want to enhance the competitiveness and to attract capital in regional and global markets. Global markets demand fairness; accountability, transparency and best corporate governance practices will help Myanmar companies achieve them.","subitem_1551255648112":"en"}]},"item_1583103085720":{"attribute_name":"Description","attribute_value_mlt":[{"interim":"This study aims to analyze the corporate governance practices by Myanmar companies in accordance with internationally recognized standards of corporate governance – the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. This study was conducted using the responses to questionnaire surveys. The questions were segregated into five parts namely: Rights of Shareholders, Equitable Treatment of Shareholders, Role of Stakeholders, Disclosure and Transparency, Responsibilities of the Board.\r Primary data was collected from 24 individual board members from 24 major Myanmar corporations (sample of one board member per company). Results indicated that internationally accepted corporate governance practices are still at an embryonic stage of development in Myanmar. Scores from the survey highlighted inadequate compliant with all five areas of the OECD corporate governance principles. Myanmar companies scored lowest in Disclosure and Transparency and Responsibilities of the Board sections indicating deficiencies in communicating with shareholders and stakeholders as well as the board processes, structure and the roles of companies’ directors.\r It can be concluded from this study that Myanmar companies need to adopt international Corporate Governance best practices if they want to enhance the competitiveness and to attract capital in regional and global markets. Global markets demand fairness; accountability, transparency and best corporate governance practices will help Myanmar companies achieve them."}]},"item_1583103108160":{"attribute_name":"Keywords"},"item_1583103120197":{"attribute_name":"Files","attribute_type":"file","attribute_value_mlt":[{"accessrole":"open_access","date":[{"dateType":"Available","dateValue":"2020-05-05"}],"displaytype":"preview","filename":"Kyaw Thi Ha (EMBF - 26).pdf","filesize":[{"value":"2877 Kb"}],"format":"application/pdf","licensetype":"license_note","mimetype":"application/pdf","url":{"url":"https://meral.edu.mm/record/1711/files/Kyaw Thi Ha (EMBF - 26).pdf"},"version_id":"e59aa34d-9b0b-4730-89fc-e06fdb321bfb"}]},"item_1583103131163":{"attribute_name":"Journal articles","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_journal_title":"Yangon University of Economics"}]},"item_1583103147082":{"attribute_name":"Conference papaers","attribute_value_mlt":[{}]},"item_1583103211336":{"attribute_name":"Books/reports/chapters","attribute_value_mlt":[{}]},"item_1583103233624":{"attribute_name":"Thesis/dissertations","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_supervisor(s)":[]}]},"item_1583105942107":{"attribute_name":"Authors","attribute_value_mlt":[{"subitem_authors":[{"subitem_authors_fullname":"Kyaw Thi Ha (EMBF - 26)"}]}]},"item_1583108359239":{"attribute_name":"Upload type","attribute_value_mlt":[{"interim":"Publication"}]},"item_1583108428133":{"attribute_name":"Publication type","attribute_value_mlt":[{"interim":"Thesis"}]},"item_1583159729339":{"attribute_name":"Publication date","attribute_value":"2019-12"},"item_1583159847033":{"attribute_name":"Identifier","attribute_value":"https://ecor.yueco.edu.mm/handle/123456789/542"},"item_title":"This study aims to analyze the corporate governance practices by Myanmar companies in accordance with internationally recognized standards of corporate governance – the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. This study was conducted using the responses to questionnaire surveys. The questions were segregated into five parts namely: Rights of Shareholders, Equitable Treatment of Shareholders, Role of Stakeholders, Disclosure and Transparency, Responsibilities of the Board. Primary data was collected from 24 individual board members from 24 major Myanmar corporations (sample of one board member per company). Results indicated that internationally accepted corporate governance practices are still at an embryonic stage of development in Myanmar. Scores from the survey highlighted inadequate compliant with all five areas of the OECD corporate governance principles. Myanmar companies scored lowest in Disclosure and Transparency and Responsibilities of the Board sections indicating deficiencies in communicating with shareholders and stakeholders as well as the board processes, structure and the roles of companies’ directors. It can be concluded from this study that Myanmar companies need to adopt international Corporate Governance best practices if they want to enhance the competitiveness and to attract capital in regional and global markets. Global markets demand fairness; accountability, transparency and best corporate governance practices will help Myanmar companies achieve them.","item_type_id":"21","owner":"1","path":["1582965701379"],"publish_date":"2020-03-05","publish_status":"0","recid":"1711","relation_version_is_last":true,"title":["This study aims to analyze the corporate governance practices by Myanmar companies in accordance with internationally recognized standards of corporate governance – the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. This study was conducted using the responses to questionnaire surveys. The questions were segregated into five parts namely: Rights of Shareholders, Equitable Treatment of Shareholders, Role of Stakeholders, Disclosure and Transparency, Responsibilities of the Board. Primary data was collected from 24 individual board members from 24 major Myanmar corporations (sample of one board member per company). Results indicated that internationally accepted corporate governance practices are still at an embryonic stage of development in Myanmar. Scores from the survey highlighted inadequate compliant with all five areas of the OECD corporate governance principles. Myanmar companies scored lowest in Disclosure and Transparency and Responsibilities of the Board sections indicating deficiencies in communicating with shareholders and stakeholders as well as the board processes, structure and the roles of companies’ directors. It can be concluded from this study that Myanmar companies need to adopt international Corporate Governance best practices if they want to enhance the competitiveness and to attract capital in regional and global markets. Global markets demand fairness; accountability, transparency and best corporate governance practices will help Myanmar companies achieve them."],"weko_creator_id":"1","weko_shared_id":-1},"updated":"2021-12-13T01:19:37.408823+00:00"}